W. Brian Lane is a physics professor who wrote the very first post for Scholar’s Compass, our ongoing online devotional for academics. This fall, he’s writing a series on engaged learning and how it can help Christian academics teach well in the university and the church. In our mission to support emerging Christian scholars, we’ve found that one key question most grad students and early career profs are asking is how they can serve their students by teaching well. We’re delighted to publish Brian’s reflections on engaged learning this fall, and we hope they help you as you hone the craft of teaching. To God be the glory! [Read more…] about Engaged Learning in Church
A Sower Went Out to Sow. . . . Again
Hear then the parable of the sower: When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is what was sown along the path. . . . — Matthew 13:18-19 (ESV)
Today we return to the Parable of the Sower and the Soils, introduced by an earlier post as part of a developing series on Parables Jesus Told [1]. Note: The first post, Entrusted . . ., considered the Parable of the Three Servants, or, The Talents (Matthew 25:14-30).
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A Sower Went Out to Sow. . . .
And he told them many things in parables, saying: “A sower went out to sow. . . .” — Matthew 13:3 (ESV)
Today’s post on the Parable of the Sower and the Soils is the second in a series exploring Parables Jesus Told [1]. The first post, Entrusted . . ., considered the Parable of the Three Servants, or, The Talents (Matthew 25:14-30).
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Three Questions for Lectio Vocatio
When John Van Sloten, whose work was introduced in Summer Book Suggestion: Every Job a Parable, meets with groups to try to discern God’s signature moves in their jobs, he begins with three questions. I encourage you to take a few minutes this week to give them prayerful consideration. Over the course of the coming month, share and discuss them with a small group of colleagues. [Read more…] about Three Questions for Lectio Vocatio
Summer Book Suggestion: Every Job a Parable by John Van Sloten
As we anticipate summer rhythms, ESN wants to offer book suggestions from our readers. Our hope is that this will provide great conversation starters for ESN members as you engage with each other online and at events like the upcoming InterVarsity faculty retreats and the American Scientific Affiliation conference. We also hope you find some great summer reading. The format is simple: Give us the title, a quotation from the book if desired (150 words or less), and a paragraph on why this book is worth reading (for Christian scholars in general or for you individually). The book can be related to your academic work and life, or related to theology and living the Christian life, or recreational reading that helps you rest and enjoy the summer. Hannah Eagleson began Summer Book Suggestions 2018 with Spiritual Rhythm by Mark Buchanan. Please send us your suggestions in a similar format. Thank-you. [Read more…] about Summer Book Suggestion: Every Job a Parable by John Van Sloten