Drawing from her own study of Daniel, the knowledge gained while serving as a teaching assistant for Prof. Iain Provan's Regent College course on Daniel, and the insights gained through talks Carl Ellis gave at an InterVarsity conference, Kathy Cooper has compiled study notes for InterVarsity groups exploring Daniel. These notes are designed to be “plug and play.” While we'll make some further study suggestions for those with extra time, these notes are designed to provide the basis for leading a thoughtful … [Read more...] about Daniel: Notes for Bible Study Groups, Part 3
Summer Snapshot: The Secret of Solitude
Galina Pylypiv connected with the Emerging Scholars Network (ESN) at Urbana15, where she served as part of the liveblogging team. See some of her previous work here, and browse other Summer Snapshots here. Same setting yet different pace of life. A transition from being an undergraduate student to graduate student at the same university is a place of mixed feelings. As I'm utilizing my summer by starting a research project, the reality of large time commitment is becoming very tangible for me as I realize how … [Read more...] about Summer Snapshot: The Secret of Solitude
Book Review: In The Beginning, GOD, by Marva J. Dawn
In The Beginning, GOD: Creation, Culture, and the Spiritual Life, Marva J. Dawn. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2009. Summary: A series of reflections on the texts of Genesis 1-3 focused not on questions of beginnings and the controversies that surround these chapters but on what they show us of God and how this may lead us into worship. … [Read more...] about Book Review: In The Beginning, GOD, by Marva J. Dawn
Book Response: Desiring the Kingdom, by James K. A. Smith
As part of his Doctor of Ministry (DMin) in Ministry to Emerging Generations (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary), Tom's written a number of book responses and given several short presentations (personal and group). In this series he not only "shares the wealth," but also looks forward to your feedback as he refines his project: An argument for vocational discernment for graduate studies in the context of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship (Stay tuned to learn more!). Earlier posts on the program: Ministry to Emerging … [Read more...] about Book Response: Desiring the Kingdom, by James K. A. Smith
Loving Your Spouse, Kids (And Anyone, Really) While You’re Still In School—Part 2
Last week, Bryan Stoudt shared about the tension many grad students feel between work and family, and the temptation to make good work God has called us to do into an idol. This week, he explores the underlying reasons for this tendency. See Part 1 here. Part 2: But Why Do We Worship Our Work? So our obsession with school can stop us from loving and serving our spouses, kids and others around us. … [Read more...] about Loving Your Spouse, Kids (And Anyone, Really) While You’re Still In School—Part 2