Amy Sherman begins Chapter 8 of Kingdom Calling: Vocational Stewardship for the Common Good (InterVarsity Press, 2011) with a bang!
Jesus is actually looking for people He can trust with His power. –Â Dallas Willard
Faithful vocational stewardship is not only about doing, it’s also about being. To deploy their vocational power for the common good, believers must possess a character that handles this power humbly and eschews its misuse. This is why discipling for vocational stewardship involves not only the work of inspiration and discovery but also an emphasis on formation (italics in original. Sherman, 129).
What do you think of power, particularly as a follower of Christ? How do you discuss its use in your household, local congregation, neighborhood, department, lab group, campus fellowship? Ever been in a mentor-mentee conversation such as the one young Spiderman found himself in with Uncle Ben?
I’m reminded that those engaged in higher education as young scholars are truly involved in a maturation process. Sherman helpfully highlights four key character traits as the beginning of wise vocational stewardship. As you consider these character traits, what Biblical texts and stories from your experience in higher education give testimony to their value?
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