Below is the first step in creating a Finding Work resource which not only lists job opportunities brought to our attention by friends in higher education, but also links to Emerging Scholars Network resources for the academic journey. Over time we’ll develop a more complex resource supplemented by a rich compilation of carefully selected article links, stories, insights, and recommendations from those on the journey. As this will be a long process (and in some ways never ending), we thought it would be good to get started and by doing such offer a taste of what we have at present. Please consider this not only a resource (and a teaser of more to come), but also an invitation to help us build the resource by sharing particular topics/concerns for us to address and/or lending a hand through writing.
Job Opportunities
- Search Engines
- Career Search on Inside Higher Education
- Careers on Council for Christian Colleges and Universities (CCCU)
- JobTracker from Vitae (Chronicle of Higher Education)
- InterVarsity Faculty Ministry has also received announcements. They are posted here. If you desire to share an announcement, please email InterVarsity Faculty Ministry.
Practical suggestions
- Advice to Those Who Would Be Christian Scholars by Nicholas Wolterstorff (Noah Porter Professor of Philosophical Theology Emeritus at Yale University)
- Finding a Postdoc in the Sciences: Nailing the Interview by Kelly Seaton (Postdoctoral Associate at Duke University Human Vaccine Institute), part of Finding a Postdoc series
- Job Search Series by Matthew Boedy, assistant professor of rhetoric and composition at the University of North Georgia
- Review: Mapping Your Academic Career (Gary Burge. InterVarsity Press, 2015) by Matthew Boedy, assistant professor of rhetoric and composition at the University of North Georgia
- On The Well, don’t miss Christine Jeske’s summary of a lunch conversation with her Wheaton colleague Gary Burge: Mapping Your Academic Career: A must-read for new (and seasoned) professors. Note: Christine Jeske is in her first year as a faculty in anthropology.
- What I Wish I’d Known about Faculty Life series by Kevin Birth (Department of Anthropology at Queens College)
Digging Deeper into Vocation
- Blessed Are The Successful? by Paul Yandle, Faithful Is Successful series
- Interview on Vocation with Bryan McGraw, Faithful Is Successful series
- Scholar’s Compass: A Devotional for Academics, by Academics
- Scholar’s Call. Note: The goal of Scholar’s Call is to generate a series of documents for each discipline that can serve as springboards or starting points for exploring what it means to integrate Christian theology/spirituality and thoughtful engagement with an academic discipline.
One Final Note . . .
Thank-you to those who have blessed their campus fellowship by sharing valuable resources by email lists, Facebook Walls, Tweets, websites, etc. If you haven’t already begun to do such, please let us know of particular resources/topics which come to your attention as valuable to post, explore, and/or develop. This process is a significant part of our ministry as a learning community and yes, we really enjoy keeping our Facebook Wall and Tweets active with cutting edge material 🙂 Great to have you part of the network, at times what I (Tom) even dare call a team. To God be the glory!