In this article, historian David Thomas argues that the historian's work, with evidence and narratives of the past, is a disciplined form of remembering. Drawing on the work of historian Gerda Lerner, he writes, "A look backward enlarges and helps make sense of our present while suggesting hope and direction for the future. _______________________________________________________________________________ The network of evidence, argument, narrative, and purpose that pulls together to form a history is … [Read more...] about Scholar’s Call: On Remembering
Postures, Processes, and Practices to Overcome Political Paralysis
As we approach the end of another contentious election cycle, it would be easy to be discouraged, dismayed, or disappointed in the discord and disunity of our country. But as Christians living and working in academic spaces, we may be uniquely equipped to navigate division and political paralysis as we seek to individually and corporately restore civility in our country. Specifically, the posture of intellectual humility, the process for empirical argumentation, and the practice of intellectual debate can be valuable … [Read more...] about Postures, Processes, and Practices to Overcome Political Paralysis
ESN Conversations This Fall
We're so excited about the fall lineup of ESN Conversations! If you haven't registered already, take a look at tomorrow's webinar with Elaine Howard Ecklund, and please browse the rest of the lineup below. September 15, 1 pm (US Eastern Time): Elaine Howard Ecklund, Why Science and Faith Need Each Other Register here: One area where Christians can be peacemakers is in building good conversations that bridge between communities of faith and communities of science. Drawing on her … [Read more...] about ESN Conversations This Fall
Critical Junctures: Preparing for the Academic Year
As we prepare for the academic year in this complicated moment, what journey is God inviting us to take? ESN Director Bob Trube reflects on the choices we make at key moments of our lives and callings. When you hear the term “critical junctures” at the beginning of an academic year, your mind may go to the decisions that may have important consequences for your academic career—the choice of an advisor, defining a research interest, or deciding which journal to which you submit an article. What about … [Read more...] about Critical Junctures: Preparing for the Academic Year
Director’s Corner: Meeting the Challenge of Double Work
Do you ever feel like you have two jobs, excelling in your field and figuring out how it all relates to your calling to follow Christ? At ESN, we work hard to support Christian academics in bringing the two together. ESN Director Bob Trube reflects on this key challenge/opportunity for Christian scholars in Director's Corner, our occasional ESN blog series where Bob distills his observations and offers ideas and resources to encourage our readers. Few of us like the idea of double work. Yet it has been suggested … [Read more...] about Director’s Corner: Meeting the Challenge of Double Work