Over the last posts we have considered the big picture of vocation. But there still remains the question of discerning our unique calling within the big picture of God's call for all his people and all of life. Jeremy Hatfield explores the whole matter of discernment--our gifted passions, the world's needs, and how we listen to God as we make specific choices about our work. ______________________________________ Use me, God. Show me how to take who I am, who I want to be, and what I can do, and use it for a … [Read more...] about Vocation: Discerning the Work to Which God is Calling Me
Vocation: A Calling to Life and Not Just Work
Our calling is to more than our work. In the fourth part of our series on vocation, Jamie Noyd directs our attention to the multiple callings upon our lives reflecting our different roles. But how might we live a seamless rather than fragmented and frazzled life pursuing these multiple callings? It comes in understanding the greater story within which we live. _______________________________________________________ The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it … [Read more...] about Vocation: A Calling to Life and Not Just Work
Vocation: Work as Service for the Common Good
“The goal of work is not to gain wealth and possessions, but to serve the common good and bring glory to God.” Richard J. Foster[1] "...I'm a musician. I write songs. I just hope when the day is done, I've been able to tear a little corner off of the darkness..." Bono, U2 Calling/vocation is bigger than we are. Working for the common good (loving your neighbor) is a way to love God also. “To give one's office proper care is not selfishness. Devotion to office is devotion to love because it is by God's own … [Read more...] about Vocation: Work as Service for the Common Good
Vocation: Work and the Missio Dei
In Part Two of our series on Vocation, developed by the GFM Ohio Valley Team, Bob Trube (formerly Senior Area Director for the GFM Ohio Valley Team), explores how we may think about our work against the backdrop of God's purposes and God's work, or mission, in the world. _____________________________________________________ The story in which we live shapes the way we live our lives. Missio dei or “the mission of God” is a compact phrase that articulates the notion that we find ourselves within the story of God's … [Read more...] about Vocation: Work and the Missio Dei
Vocation: What is Vocation?
In 2019, the GFM Ohio Valley staff team developed a curriculum on vocation to use at a student retreat, and with campus groups. With their permission, we are reprinting a series of articles from that curriculum, with the hope that it might be a useful resource for other student and faculty groups, and for personal reflection. This article by Robin Capcara traces the idea of vocation through scripture and church history. _________________________________________________________ In contemporary parlance, “vocation” … [Read more...] about Vocation: What is Vocation?