Perhaps you remember the first instance when you understood a passage in the Bible with more than your own mind–when the words came to life and became incarnate in your imagination. For me, it was a passage I had heard all my life. I could have quoted it. But in that moment, the words spoke in a way that connected the pieces of my life with Scripture like a puzzle. I was hearing what I thought I knew for the first time. The last words became, in a sense, the first words.
“Thus it is written . . .” (Lk 24:46 ESV): Jesus begins and then he unfolds, in a sentence that can be spoken in a single breath, what it had taken an eternity to accomplish. First suffering, then resurrection, then the message of repentance and forgiveness preached to all the nations. It will all begin where it had just ended, in Jerusalem. And so he sends them back to the city to wait for the coming of the Spirit that will empower them from on high. . . . — Michael Card, Luke: The Gospel of Amazement (InterVarsity Press, 2011), 266.
As the disciples on the road to Emmaus, I find myself all too often hearing the Lord call me out for being “foolish” and “slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken.” I pray for each and every one of us, by the gift of the Spirit 1) to interpret the Scriptures, 2) by word and deed live / apply in a manner which incarnates our risen Lord. I pray for our eyes to be opened and hearts burning when in the Scriptures. So much so that we (individually and corporately) cannot help but share the Good News with head, heart, and hands. What a privilege to offer daily, brief interactions with Scripture passages (drawn from the Bible Reading Plan) on ESN Facebook and ESN Twitter!
Last week when meeting with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship / USA‘s Faculty Ministry Leadership Team–and interacting with Kathy Tuan-MacLean (who will begin serving as the Director of Faculty Ministry in the new year. Congrats Kathy!), Jason Thomas (Executive Vice-President of Field Ministries), Tom Lin (President)–I was once again deeply struck by the importance of prayer, Scripture, and community/networking in shaping ESN’s next steps. Your partnership in prayer, ministry, and support is an incredible blessing. When time permits this week, please let us know how you desire to become more involved as we take next steps in encouraging and equipping undergraduates, graduate students, postdocs, and early career faculty as they navigate each stage of their academic vocation and transition to the next step in or beyond the academy . . .
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