As for me, I am poor and needy, but the Lord takes thought for me. You are my help and my deliverer; do not delay, O my God!. — Psalm 40:17
In Part 1 I asked the question: How do you “read†and/or pray a Psalm as an individual follower of Christ (possibly as a part of your daily practice) AND as a member of a particular Christian tradition (in corporate and/or daily practice)? As an extension of this consideration I offered the “simple” exercise of comparing/contrasting the reading, praying, and reflecting upon Psalm 40 with U2’s performance of 40 (Vertigo Tour Live From Chicago, 2005).
In Part 2 I tied “active”/intentional waiting to Advent and began to explore the Book of Psalms as “the school of prayer” (Life Together, 47), with an emphasis on praying the whole Psalm. It is important to highlight that Bonhoeffer understood daily silent meditation on the whole Psalm as part of a strict Christological “ordering†of the day, i.e., “rule of life”. In my opinion, this daily practice provided a significant element of the complex undergirding for his [Read more…] about Meditation . . . Psalms: The Prayer Book of the Bible Part 3