You’re blessed when you can show people how to cooperate instead of compete or fight. That’s when you discover who you really are, and your place in God’s family. — Matthew 5:9, The Message
Perhaps no other saying from Jesus needs attention as this one in our very dangerous and destructive world. World and area events point to the need for “peacemaking.” What is a peacemaker? Can the ordinary believer be a peacemaker? The answer, says Jesus, is a resounding YES! The church group to which I belong actually has “peacemaking” as one of its core values:
We value all human life and promote forgiveness, understanding, reconciliation and non-violent resolution of conflict.
Such peace is not merely a cease-fire or a cessation of hostilities or even a truce. While the Jewish citizens of Jesus’ day enjoyed what was called the pax Romana, an external peace, the first century Christian writer Epictetus gave this comment:
While the Emperor may give peace from war on land and sea, he is unable to give peace from passion, grief and envy. He cannot give peace of heart, for which man yearns more than even for outward peace. [Read more…] about Devotions: Beatitudes (7) — God’s Peace Corps