ESN Blog Reading List
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Our work in the university impacts the world in powerful ways. Explore how loving your work can be a way of loving the world with our articles below.

Scholar’s Compass: Academics and Humility
In academics emphasis is frequently placed more on how much one knows, rather than on the process of learning. An environment geared towards test-taking and preeminent reputations can easily take us far from humility, especially if a rigid certainty is elevated above inquiry.Scholar’s Compass: God Was the First To Cry, Part 1
In the movie Selma, Martin Luther King, Jr. is seen consoling Mr. Cager Lee, an 82 year old man, who is in the morgue identifying the body of his grandson, Jimmy Lee Jackson. Jimmy, killed in 1965 during a peaceful protest in Selma, Alabama by a state trooper, was only 27 years old.Scholar’s Compass: God Was the First to Cry, Part 2
Yes, God was the first to cry. Just like God was the first to set His face upon evil to (Leviticus 20:6); to stretch out his hand (Isaiah 23:11), to be sorry (Genesis 6:6) and to grieve (1 Samuel 15:35). God cried and cries. Why? And for whom?Scholar’s Call: An ecologist in the household of God
Jesus Christ has called me to follow Him as the world's saviour and lord. As part of this, He's called me to be an ecologist.How Do You Talk About Faith with Secular Colleagues? (STEAM Grant Faith/Science Series)
The God-given ability to focus on problems and solve them creatively positions us as uniquely for evangelism as it does for research.Resources: Responding to Racial Injustice
We are grieving injustice and racism, so evident in American society right now, and all too often in the structures and systems of academia. We wanted to share a few resources readers may find helpful in lamenting racism and working for justice at this time.New ESN Reading Lists: Career Stages & Four Faculty Loves
New ESN Reading Lists Are you looking for a quick guide to some of our key starting point resources here at the ESN blog? We’ve designed a resource page that offers some great starting points for each career stage, and for InterVarsity’s Four Faculty Loves. Browse these if you’re looking for individual reading or small group conversation ...
View additional reading lists under The Four Loves category: