Summer is approaching and it is a great time to kick back with a good book. Over the years, ESN has included reviews of books broadly focusing on the intersection of Christian faith and academic life. If you are reading or have read something that fits that, we’d love to post your review to let other Emerging Scholars members know about the book.
Here’s what we suggest:
- Citation (MLA Format): Author last name, First name. Book Title: Subtitle. Edition, Publisher, Year.
- A concise discussion of the content, particularly plot (without spoilers, if fiction) or thesis and argument if non-fiction.
- What you thought: strengths, points of agreement, where you would differ, what you liked, what would make it better (be kind, especially to living authors who may read this!).
- Who is this for (audience)?
- Submit your review in Word .docx form to Include a headshot and 2-3 sentence bio.
We like to work with an upper limit of 1500 words, so this would not be the kind of in-depth review you would submit to a journal. Generally, we say 800 to 1200 words is the sweet spot.
Give a review, get a book. We do not pay for reviews or articles, but as a thank you, we offer a free InterVarsity Press book worth up to $50 retail for all accepted articles. Let us know when you submit your article what book you would like as well as your full mailing address and phone number (required for IVP orders).
So let us know what you are reading this summer! If you have questions, just email Bob!