ESN often publicizes informal get togethers of Christians at various academic conferences. Today we share an announcement from Dr. Fritz Schaefer for those attending the American Chemical Society conference in Orlando.
Christians in Chemistry will gather again informally at the semi-annual meeting of the American Chemical Society, in Orlando, Florida. As in the past, we will meet for one hour on the Monday evening at 5:30 PM. Although this is not an April Fools Joke, the date of our meeting is April 1, 2019. Announcement of the exact room in the Convention Center will follow. All chemists at the ACS meeting are invited, including undergraduate and graduate students. I am delighted to report that two distinguished chemists have agreed to share for 20 minutes each. James (“Jim”) Tour from Rice University and Thomas (“Tom”) Rizzo from EPFL Lausanne, Switzerland will share. After our hour together, as many who are free are invited to join for an even more informal dinner, location to be determined if anyone has suggestions. -Fritz Schaefer
Note: If you would like to be contacted with further details or have questions, please email ESN here so we can forward your interest or question to the organizer.

The Emerging Scholars Network is always seeking opportunities to identify, encourage, and equip the next generation of Christian scholars to be a redeeming influence in the academy, church, and the world. As you have an announcement, a “call for papers”, an event, a prayer request (e.g., campus, field, higher ed), a resource suggestion, a review, etc., which is in concord with our Kingdom of God endeavor, please send materials (marketing/sales material not accepted) for consideration to post via email or the ESN Writer Survey. Thank you.
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