New to graduate school? Or returning and wondering what happens now? We’ve gathered some of our most read and appreciated material on navigating graduate school in this post. One of ESN’s goals is to support Christian academics at every career point with thoughtful materials from other believers who have similar life experience. If you’re looking for encouragement/grad school survival advice individually and/or for your campus fellowship, check out these five options:
1. Letters to Graduate Students Series
Encouragement to those at the beginning of the graduate school journey, and those who are seeking grace along the way. Check out Monica Greenwood’s Letter to a New Graduate Student, Dear (No Longer) New Graduate Student, and Gratefulness and the (No Longer) New Graduate Student.
2. What I Wish I’d Known About Graduate School
Practical tips on surviving the workload, strategizing through challenges, and seeking God in graduate school. One of our most visited series of all time on the blog: What I Wish I’d Known About Graduate School.
3. How to Be a Christian Grad Student Post and David Lewis interview
A short and encouraging piece by Bethany Bowen on being faithful, even when you’re not sure you know how to be a Christian graduate student. This piece responds to a reflection by Vanderbilt professor David Lewis, so we’ve also included a link to a tie in interview he did for ESN: How To Be A Christian Grad Student, Interview with Dr. David Lewis.
4. Navigating The Rapids, by Tamarie Macon
Challenges will come in graduate school. Tamarie Macon encourages academics to persevere in tough moments, drawing on her own graduate experience: Navigating the Rapids.
5. Grading, Conferences, and Submitting Work as Spiritual Disciplines
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the rush of everyday activities in grad school, browse Anna Gissing’s practical thoughts on seeing everyday academic activities as spiritual disciplines: Anna’s series.
Note: For additional resources explore Graduate School Journey and Beginning Well: Advice for New Grad Students (Thank-you to The Well for curating this material!). As you have material to share or topics you desire to receive attention, please comment below and/or drop us a line. Thank-you. To God be the glory!
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