Men invent means and methods of coming at God’s love, they learn rules and set up devices to remind them of that love, and it seems like a world of trouble to bring oneself into the consciousness of God’s presence. Yet it might be so simple. Is it not quicker and easier just to do our common business wholly for the love of him? – Brother Lawrence in Maxims.
This summer in Christian Devotional Classics (Evangelical Seminary), I presented on Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection (c. 1614 – 1691) and The Practice of the Presence of God – The Best Rule of Holy Life. Considering the importance of this work to a number of people I have spoken with, future posts are already in concept — if this is a project of interest, please email me.
In the first part of this teaser post is a rough timeline of Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection’s life. In the second part is a week of reflections on “What does The Practice of the Presence of God have to say to us today?”
Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection (c. 1614 – 1691)
Birth through Military Service
- Born Nicolas Herman in Herimenil, Lorraine.
- ~100 years after Martin Luther nails the Ninety-Five Theses to the Wittenberg Church as an invitation to debate (October 31, 1517).
- Family without money for education, some “home-schoolingâ€
- His Uncle Jean Majeur was a member of the Discaled Carmelites
- Some education by a parish priest (Lawrence)
- 30 Years War (1618-48): A young soldier (1629)
- Near fatal injury to his sciatic nerve (1635)
- Crippled and in chronic pain remainder of life.
Seeking Direction
- Gazing at a barren tree one winter while in the army, “saw for the first time the majesty of God’s grace and the constancy of God’s providence. He imagined himself like the tree, waiting for the life that God would inevitably bring in season†(1628).
- Sought direction after returning home with war injury (1635)
- A “footman who was clumsy and broke everything.”
- Drawn to a Carmelite monastery in Paris (1640)
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