In addition to the seminar mentioned in Query: Social Media, Community Development, Campus Ministry, I’m preparing a Bibliography for the upcoming Graduate & Faculty Ministry National Team Meetings. What do our friends in the Emerging Scholars Network have to share as resources (articles, blogs, books, webpages, etc) on
- Ages and life stages.
- The question of generational distinctives.
- Using the World Cafe to encourage good teamwork.
Note: It’s not necessary for the recommendations to focus on campus ministry. We’re looking for the best resources available. We’ll use discernment in application to our context. In addition, please pass along
- Stories about/models of campus ministry which have intergenerational elements that you have found a blessing during The Critical Junctures in your journey through higher education.
- Recommendations regarding how to include more intergenerational elements into campus ministry.
Update (3/10/2010, 8:15 am EST).