[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rDBgIGGu7Mg&w=560&rel=0]God gave us instructions about how to live a righteous life (Ex 24:12-18). God is holy and loves justice, and we offer him our worship and praise (Psalm 99). We pay close attention to Scripture and the words of Jesus (2 Pet 1:16-21), who is the beloved Son of God and takes away our fear (Mt 17:1-9).*
Ash Sunday (Corrie Francis Parks. 3/8/2011. A drawing, formed in a swirl of dust, awakens to find herself trapped on an empty, dimensionless square of paper).
Be sure to have your speakers on as the meditative music plays as part of this beautiful allegorical take on transformation and new life. HT: Jimmy Lin, the Medical & Scientific Doxologist. To God be the glory!
Grant us, even us, O Lord, to know you, and love you and rejoice in you. And if we cannot do these perfectly in this life, let us, at least, advance to higher degrees every day, till we can come to them in perfection. Let the knowledge of you increase in us here, that it may be full hereafter. Let the love of you grow every day more and more here, that it may be perfect hereafter; that our joy may be great in itself and full in you. We know, O God, that you are a God of truth. O make good your gracious promises to us, that our joy may be full. To your honor and glory, who with the Father and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns one God, world without end. Amen — Augustine.** [Read more…] about A Lenten Reflection Break: Transformation