Emmanuel Ambané Jr. and his wife Allison build multiethnic faith communities with students and faculty in Hampton Roads, Virginia. In this article, the fourth in a series, he focuses on the unique contributions of the African church to the global church. While it was said at the World Missionary Conference of Edinburgh (WMCE) in 1910 that Africa was a place of no hope for the Gospel because of the strong growing presence of Islam, many people may be surprised to hear that, today, Africa is the … [Read more...] about The Lion’s Side of the Story: The Gifts of the African Church beyond the 3D’s of Diseases, Disaster, and Despair
Science Corner
Global Gifts From East Asia: Unboxing Our God Of Surprises
This post is the third in a multi-part series revealing the gifts Christians from other countries bring to our American campus communities and churches. This part focuses on the gifts East Asian Christians bear. “I stood up and said yes,” said Jing (alias for her security). She, like many other East Asian followers of Jesus, shows us that God is not limited by our perceptions of him and our life circumstances. As an undergraduate student in China, Jing's longings for unconditional love were crushed after her … [Read more...] about Global Gifts From East Asia: Unboxing Our God Of Surprises
Summer 2023 ESN Conversations
At least for some, the summer is a time with a little extra bandwidth. Time for vacations, catching up on research, reading a good book, or just sitting out on a lounge chair with a cool drink. At the Emerging Scholars Network, we also believe that stimulating conversation around the intersection of our faith and the concerns of our personal, academic, and societal lives can be refreshing and renewing. And one of the things we love best about these conversations is not only that they are live but that you have the … [Read more...] about Summer 2023 ESN Conversations
Global Gifts: The Forgotten Faithful in the Middle East
This post is the second in a multi-part series revealing the gifts Christians from other countries bring to our American campus communities and churches. This part focuses on the gifts Middle East Christians bear. With roots extending back to Jesus' ministry, Pentecost, and the early church's witness, Middle Eastern Christians faithfully persevere in unbroken witness to Christ. Despite obstacles and challenges, thousands are coming to the Savior, particularly within the Arab and Persian worlds. They offer inspiring … [Read more...] about Global Gifts: The Forgotten Faithful in the Middle East
Science Corner: Weltraumgötterdämmerung
This summer's installment of "If you don't teach your kids theology, Marvel Studios will" comes in the form of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. Sure, it's not a Scorsesian theological treatise. At times it felt very much like a roller coaster ride--an impression helped along by the fact that just a month ago I was riding an actual Guardians of the Galaxy coaster with filmed story elements featuring the same cast. But every now and again, this technicolor space opera takes a breath between virtuosic cadenzas of violence … [Read more...] about Science Corner: Weltraumgötterdämmerung