We are thrilled to announce that the annual Christian Scholars Foundation-ESN Grant for junior faculty will increase to $25,000 for 2021. The CSF-ESN grant, awarded annually to an ESN member who is junior faculty, consistently supports excellent projects that integrate faith and scholarship and support the common good. This year we are celebrating 25 years of the Christian Scholars Foundation—watch the blog and ESN's monthly email updates for some special features honoring the occasion. CSF-ESN Grant awardees … [Read more...] about MAJOR NEWS: CSF-ESN GRANT INCREASED TO $25K for 25th Anniversary
Evangelism: The Holy Spirit Detective Agency
Research in any field uses skills akin to those of a detective. The daily work of a researcher is to observe and make sense of data. Rick Mattson, is an InterVarsity staff minister who comes alongside graduate student groups to equip them in sharing their faith in contextually relevant ways in the grad context. He proposes that both research and witness involve becoming good detectives, whether paying attention to data, or what God is doing in the lives of people around … [Read more...] about Evangelism: The Holy Spirit Detective Agency
ESN Conversations This Fall
We're so excited about the fall lineup of ESN Conversations! If you haven't registered already, take a look at tomorrow's webinar with Elaine Howard Ecklund, and please browse the rest of the lineup below. September 15, 1 pm (US Eastern Time): Elaine Howard Ecklund, Why Science and Faith Need Each Other Register here: http://tinyurl.com/eecklund One area where Christians can be peacemakers is in building good conversations that bridge between communities of faith and communities of science. Drawing on her … [Read more...] about ESN Conversations This Fall
Director’s Corner: Meeting the Challenge of Double Work
Do you ever feel like you have two jobs, excelling in your field and figuring out how it all relates to your calling to follow Christ? At ESN, we work hard to support Christian academics in bringing the two together. ESN Director Bob Trube reflects on this key challenge/opportunity for Christian scholars in Director's Corner, our occasional ESN blog series where Bob distills his observations and offers ideas and resources to encourage our readers. Few of us like the idea of double work. Yet it has been suggested … [Read more...] about Director’s Corner: Meeting the Challenge of Double Work
A Prayer for Those Studying the Social Sciences
One major need we have found in our work with ESN: it's often hard to find prayers and devotional material specifically addressed to the life of the Christian serving God in the university. This week we share a prayer for those studying the social sciences by PhD student Jessica Price. Do you want to write a prayer for a specific field area? Submit here to be considered for publication in our upcoming Winter/Spring 2020 series of prayers for those in various academic fields. God, today we offer up the students of … [Read more...] about A Prayer for Those Studying the Social Sciences