This post discusses the film Tolkien. I don't think there is anything in this film to spoil, given that it depicts events from a century ago, but consider yourself advised. Tolkien, a biographical film about author and philologist J. R. R. Tolkien, is admittedly a stretch from my usual science-themed fare. But when I realized the advertising of the film underplayed its focus on the early days of Tolkien's scholarly career, I figured I should bring it to the attention of this community. Consider it the inverse of … [Read more...] about Science Corner: Portrait of an Emerging Scholar
Christ and the Academy
Science Corner: Adding to the Conversation
Last week I mentioned an opportunity to hear from mathematician Francis Su on the topic The Integration of Faith and the Academic Calling (a webinar cohosted by ESN and the Society of Christian Scholars). I am not aware of any opportunities to view the presentation after the fact, so for those of you who were unable to participate, I will share a few highlights. He covers some similar territory in an interview with Quanta (text, video), his Mathematical Association of America presidential address, and this article on … [Read more...] about Science Corner: Adding to the Conversation
ESN News: A Leadership Transition
Photo: At Urbana 18, we held a staff party to celebrate Tom's great work with ESN (Emerging Scholars Network). This picture shows Tom and Theresa Grosh, their daughter Ellen, and InterVarsity Grad/Faculty Ministry Colleagues Bobby Gross (Vice President for GFM), Kathy Tuan-Maclean (Director of Faculty Ministry), and Hannah Eagleson (ESN). With both sorrow and joy, we announce that Tom Grosh IV will be transitioning to a new role as an area director with CMDA (Christian Medical and Dental Association) in South … [Read more...] about ESN News: A Leadership Transition
2018’s Most Visited ESN Blog Posts
Drumroll . . . Science in Review: Thor, Thanos and Theology by Andy Walsh A Prayer for Those Finishing a Semester by Hannah Eagleson How should Christians in the sciences choose an epistemology? by Jim Stump is part of the STEAM Grant/Faith Science Series. Stay tuned for when the booklet goes to print. How Do You Talk About Faith with Secular Colleagues? (STEAM Grant Faith/Science Series) by Robert Kaita Apply for the ESN Urbana 18 Fellows Program. What a privilege to serve the Emerging Scholars at … [Read more...] about 2018’s Most Visited ESN Blog Posts
Announcing the 2019 Christian Scholars Foundation Grant
ESN loves to provide opportunities for members. A very important membership benefit is the junior faculty grant offered to an ESN member every year by the Christian Scholars Foundation (CSF). CSF generously partners with ESN to support a junior faculty member with funds that can be used for research or other projects exploring Christian scholarship. Stay tuned for an interview with Jennifer Hawk, 2018 CSF awardee (pictured). … [Read more...] about Announcing the 2019 Christian Scholars Foundation Grant