The Emerging Scholars Network is delighted to announce the launch today of a new podcast, Theology &. Many of our members have expressed interest in more theologically grounded conversations about faith and issues in our fields of study. We are delighted to co-sponsor this new effort toward that end. ____________________ Does academic research make a difference in the real world? Can faith and theology inform our research in other academic disciplines? Theology & is a new podcast that hosts conversations … [Read more...] about Theology & Podcast Launches Today!
Christ and the Academy
Will You Wrestle With God?
We are excited to share the story of Dr. Wai Jia Tam, who is a graduate of the Public Health Program at Johns Hopkins. We are thankful both to Wai Jia and Bill Nelson, GFM Staff at Johns Hopkins for putting us in touch with Wai Jia. We hope it will encourage you to "wrestle with God" as you consider his will in your life. _______________________ “That night Jacob got up and took his two wives, his two female servants and his eleven sons and crossed the ford of the Jabbok. After he had sent them across the stream, he … [Read more...] about Will You Wrestle With God?
Habits of Incarnational Presence: Two Campus Stories
For this final post in this series on the Habits of an Incarnational Presence, we asked two of our GFM staff, Tim Wang (University of Texas – Austin) and Greg Ehlert (University of California – San Diego) to give us a brief snapshot of how they have experienced the principles of Incarnational Presence in their ministries. … [Read more...] about Habits of Incarnational Presence: Two Campus Stories
This week in our Practices of Incarnational Presence series, we come to the third of the "social imaginaries" that shape Incarnational Presence on our campuses. The imaginary is the jazz ensemble, listening together to the "heavenly music" and then entering in. By Julian M. Reese with Teresa Hooper “Then Illuvatar said to [the Ainur], ‘Of the theme that I have declared to you, I will now that ye make in harmony together a Great Music’. Ye shall show forth your powers in adorning this theme, and each with his own … [Read more...] about INCARNATIONAL PRESENCE: PARTICIPATION IN THE MUSIC OF THE SPHERES
Cultivating Habits: The Farmer and Earning an Incarnational Voice
“When one buys the farm and moves there to live, something different begins. Thoughts begin to be translated into acts... It invariably turns out, I think, that one's first vision of one's place was to some extent an imposition on it. But if one's sight is clear and one stays on and works well, one's love gradually responds to the place as it really is, and one's visions gradually image possibilities that are really in it’ Two human possibilities of the highest order thus come within reach: what one wants can become the … [Read more...] about Cultivating Habits: The Farmer and Earning an Incarnational Voice