If you haven't been following along with Julie Reynolds' delightful series on phenotypic plasticity, I recommend catching up on that first. Julie shared some great real world examples, but not everyone has the opportunity to study overwintering insects like she does. So I thought I'd give you a hands-on example, albeit a simulated one. I've introduced my Quandary Den before. Briefly, players have to 'zap' or 'tag' robots for points, but the players have to evolve their gameplay approach. The versions I've shared before … [Read more...] about Science Corner: Companion to Three Chromosomes in a Trench Coat
Science Corner: Scientific Reformation
My son wrote an essay recently on the cultural antecedents to the French Revolution and declining belief in absolute monarchy. One of the elements discussed was the availability of Bible translations in languages other than Latin, reducing the role of priests as conduits of spiritual authority and raising questions about the parallel role of monarchs as conduits of civic authority. Presently, we have questions about the role of scientists and science in civic life. Do they stem from a similar shift in the public … [Read more...] about Science Corner: Scientific Reformation
Science Corner: A Season of Rest
By the WordPress statistics, this is my 398th post in 9 years (and 9 days). I didn't write every word of those; they include some guest posts and conversations with coauthors. At the same time, they don't include when my Science Corner-style posts were going directly to Facebook in between monthly posts, so things probably balance out. Over that time, we've tinkered in other ways as well, trying book clubs, movie reviews, and interactive live science to go with wide-ranging conversations on science and theology. In that … [Read more...] about Science Corner: A Season of Rest
Science Corner: Cat Chat
We've met talking dogs and the humans who listen to them, so now it's time to give cats a say. Instead of having the cats use buttons and recordings to express words and phrases in human languages, the humans have to figure out the nuances of feline communication. Turns out, we can do pretty well, especially if we've been around cats before. And for that research, Susanne Schötz, Robert Eklund, and Joost van de Weijer won this year's Ig Nobel Prize in Biology. Arguably, the Ig Nobels are more representative of ordinary … [Read more...] about Science Corner: Cat Chat
Science Corner: Do You Mind?
I've generally felt it is worth making a distinction between the brain and the mind--the mind is what is mediated by the brain. I'm inclined to affirm free will and think our conscious self is capable of top-down causation. I don't know how or if that version of a mind maps to Biblical nouns like spirit and soul, and I wonder to what extent we are obliged to affirm those precise categories as Christians and to what extent they were the closest available options in Greek metaphysics of the time. I tend to attracted to … [Read more...] about Science Corner: Do You Mind?