One of our deep values at the Emerging Scholars Network is serving as a hub for aspiring scholars to connect with others writing about following Jesus in the academic world. And one of the things we love is working with writers who send us articles that address some aspect of our Christian discipleship.
In the coming months, we are seeking articles on several themes:
- Community after the pandemic. The pandemic has decimated all kinds of communities, including Christian ones in the university world. As we emerge from the pandemic, what has Christian community been like for you and others on your campus? Have you remained online or returned to meeting face to face? What are the challenges and opportunities that you have found in doing so?
- Mentoring. If you have a mentor or mentors, how did you find a mentor? How has that been helpful. If you have served as a mentor for someone, what has that been like? What went well, and what didn’t? How has your faith informed your mentoring?
- Student Engagement. There have been a number of articles in higher ed publications about declines or changes in student engagement post-pandemic. What are you seeing? How are you addressing student engagement in contexts where you teach and work with students. How has your faith informed how you engage with students.
- Stories. We always love to hear stories about ways God is at work in your academic context. Stories about how your community responded to a campus issue or need. Stories of an effort to engage others in considering Christian truth claims. Stories of how people in your community encouraged each other in growing in love for God. Stories of how you connected love of God and your field of study.
- Prayers for your field of study. How do you pray about your particular discipline? Have you ever tried composing a prayer for your work? You may help others in that discipline find words for their prayers!
You may be thinking about something else and wonder if ESN would be interested. Chances are, if it is related to the academy and following Christ, we are. Not sure and want to get some feedback before you write? Drop an email to Bob Trube at bob.trube@intervarsity.org.
Submitting articles
- Submit articles to Bob Trube at bob.trube@intervarsity.org.
- Ideal length is 800-1200 words. We may explore breaking articles longer than 1500 into two or more posts. Active voice and short sentences are encouraged for readability.
- Submit your articles in Word. Other formats are more difficult to import into our blog software. If you use footnotes with Word’s footnote function, these transfer and hyperlink automatically.
- Permissions. You are responsible to seek permissions for any images or content under copyright and to include that information in your submission, as well as license information for any free (Creative Commons) material. Song lyrics and verse and photographs, unless in the public domain or otherwise licensed, usually require paying to license these.
- If you have not written for us before, please also attach a good headshot of yourself (square format is best) as well as a 2-3 sentence short bio.
What We Will Do
- We will let you know if your article is accepted.
- If an article involves significant editing, we will mark it up and send you suggested revisions and ask you to send us a clean copy with the suggested changes. Minor changes we may address via email.
- When we are ready to post it, we will send you a mock-up via email a couple days ahead for your approval.
- We are unable to pay for articles. However, we hope the experience of working with us will give you help with becoming a better writer. We offer a lot of free editing! Also, for all accepted articles, we offer writers the choice of a free InterVarsity Press book worth up to $50 retail. We will ask you to send us the title of your choice and a postal address to which it should be mailed. It’s a small way we can say thanks for your thought, time, and effort in writing for us.
We hope you will consider writing for the Emerging Scholars Network!

The Emerging Scholars Network is always seeking opportunities to identify, encourage, and equip the next generation of Christian scholars to be a redeeming influence in the academy, church, and the world. As you have an announcement, a “call for papers”, an event, a prayer request (e.g., campus, field, higher ed), a resource suggestion, a review, etc., which is in concord with our Kingdom of God endeavor, please send materials (marketing/sales material not accepted) for consideration to post via email or the ESN Writer Survey. Thank you.
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