This summer, we’re sharing prayers for and by Christian scholars in our network. We hope this is a chance for readers to connect with each other and with God, to be encouraged, and to pray together. May this series remind us of how the church is connected across time and space in the love of Jesus Christ our Lord. Today’s prayer is by Brandon Spun, a member of the Emerging Scholars Network and a senior fellow at New College Franklin.
A Prayer for the Busy Scholars
Our Father, whose sabbath rest is eternal and perfect, you have ordained a time and season for every task, and work, and problem.
For every book or article that needs to be read, for every paper that needs to be graded, for every syllabus that needs to be written, for every meeting that must be attended, you have set aside time.
This day which you have given us is enough for all that is needful.
Enlarge our hearts and give us courage to make room for whomever you send our way: into our offices, on our cellphones, wherever human life intrudes. Drive out fear with your love, so that we might meet the person before us as a person. May we be bold in being human with others.
May we rely confidently on you. You are never overwhelmed by any burden of complexity or excess of responsibility. You are enough Lord, wholly sufficient, and you will supply all our true needs–those which we ask for in prayer, and more.
Teach us not to walk in the anxiety of childish responsibility, but to walk in the confidence of mature faith.
In hope we expect to stand face to face before you one day. May we live today in that expectation and practice that life by means of prayer and faithful attention to the tasks which truly cannot be put off until tomorrow.
Thank you Lord for being so very near to me. Do not let anxiety draw me away from this truth.
But in faith, hope, and love, may I perform the tasks of a humble servant who is satisfied and confident in his Master.
Brandon Spun is a senior fellow at New College Franklin (http://www.newcollegefranklin.org/) in Tennessee. Mr. Spun received his bachelors from the SUNY Geneseo in Philosophy and English and his M.A. from St. Johns College in Annapolis, Maryland in Liberal Arts. He is currently pursuing a second M.A. in Philosphy. He is a lover of good books, classical languages, philosophy, and woodworking. He also has two children who don’t know what to make of their Daddy. When he has free time, he does enjoy writing for his blog Same & Other (https://sameandother.com/).
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