It’s been an amazing year for the Emerging Scholars Network (ESN). And we’re standing at a crossroads. Thanks to God’s generous work, we’re ready to connect Christian scholars in the following ways this year, if God provides the financial resources to move forward:
- Craft google hangout conversations among scholars in the same field.
- Partner with Christian professional organizations to provide community-building opportunities for emerging scholars at professional conferences.
- Pioneer in person in networking/community-building events at local hubs such as Boston, Central Pennsylvania, and other places where the Lord is opening doors of opportunity.
- Continue Scholar’s Compass.
- Launch new materials such as
- Interviews between emerging and established scholars,
- Starting points pages on the theology of [vocation in the context of] higher education, and
- Resourcing, networking, and seminars at Urbana15.
We can’t wait to share more with you, and we’ll be featuring short descriptions of summer and fall plans in an upcoming Saturday Series. Would you prayerfully consider giving a financial gift (and possibly even invite others to become part of the team) to address a fiscal year end (June 30) need of $15,000 and make these goals a reality?
Image courtesy of jagdi at
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About the author:
The Emerging Scholars Network is always seeking opportunities to identify, encourage, and equip the next generation of Christian scholars to be a redeeming influence in the academy, church, and the world. As you have an announcement, a "call for papers", an event, a prayer request (e.g., campus, field, higher ed), a resource suggestion, a review, etc., which is in concord with our Kingdom of God endeavor, please send materials (marketing/sales material not accepted) for consideration to post via email or the ESN Writer Survey. Thank-you. To God be the glory!