It’s for me! Hard to believe that the feast of Books & Culture* enters 15 years of production. The new issue has a time line on the cover and an accompanying podcast which I commend to you.
Out of curiosity …
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Whether or not you regularly follow Books & Culture, please click on Read the rest of this entry » to take a poll on which of the articles in the September/October 2010 sparks the greatest interest in reading, possibly discussing. Also free to comment on what you do/do not find of interest in with regard to Books & Culture and articles from the current issue. Any article(s) “worth” discussion on the ESN blog or other periodicals (web or printed) by Christian Scholars which we members should be sure to “follow/read?
*Books & Culture, has extended to all ESN members an offer for new subscriptions at only $5 a year. Also available: a 75% discount on electronic access to the Christianity Today Archives. Members: see our Subscription Discounts info for ordering details.
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Tom enjoys daily conversations regarding living out the Biblical Story with his wife Theresa and their four girls, around the block, at Elizabethtown Brethren in Christ Church (where he teaches adult electives and co-leads a small group), among healthcare professionals as the Northeast Regional Director for the Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA), and in higher ed as a volunteer with the Emerging Scholars Network (ESN). For a number of years, the Christian Medical Society / CMDA at Penn State College of Medicine was the hub of his ministry with CMDA. Note: Tom served with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship / USA for 20+ years, including 6+ years as the Associate Director of ESN. He has written for the ESN blog from its launch in August 2008. He has studied Biology (B.S.), Higher Education (M.A.), Spiritual Direction (Certificate), Spiritual Formation (M.A.R.), Ministry to Emerging Generations (D.Min.). To God be the glory!
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