Update: I’m sorry to report that AcademicVocations.org has shut down. Too bad, because I think it was a great idea.
In our most recent Emerging Scholars Review, we told you about a new website connecting faculty and administrators to campuses of faith, AcademicVocations.org. Yesterday, they began a new offer: a weekly drawing for a $250 scholarship to the academic conference of your choice (including Following Christ 2008).
To enter, simply post your CV or resume on AcademicVocations.org and be automatically entered into a weekly drawing for a $250 scholarship to an academic conference of your choice (Following Christ ’08, of course).
If you are a job seeker, here are some of their features:
- Post CV (or resume) online at no charge
- Choose to withhold your personal information for ultimate confidentiality (optional)
- Include personal statement of interest in faith-related higher education
- Search job announcements using multiple criteria
- Receive email alerts when jobs matching your criteria are posted
Most ESN members work and study at secular universities and colleges, but many of our members and mentors are part of Christian institutions as well. A quick browse of Academic Vocations showed me job postings from Hope, Messiah, Indiana Wesleyan, Concordia, Bethel, Belmost, and many other excellent schools. I encourage you to check it out. It would be an excellent addition to the Chronicle’s Careers website, the ESN Forum’s Job Postings thread, and other academic job listing services.
Also, the ESN Day Ahead at Following Christ will include breakout sessions on finishing your dissertation (led by Mary Poplin), the job hunting and interview process (led by Francis Su), and other practical steps to establishing yourself in an academic position. It’s still not too late to register.
Are there other good locations you’ve found for academic jobs? Share your experiences in the comments.
The former Associate Director for the Emerging Scholars Network, Micheal lives in Cincinnati with his wife and three children and works as a web manager for a national storage and organization company. He writes about work, vocation, and finding meaning in what you do at No Small Actors.
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