Advent is a season of waiting. We remember the specific anticipation of Mary & Joseph for their son and the more abstract anticipation for justice and restoration, represented by Simeon and Anna. While Jesus would inaugurate a new era of redemption, we share in the longing of Simeon and Anna as we recognize that justice is still not equally distributed and creation is not fully restored. While expressing that longing in different terms, Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz and Roger Highfield discuss outstanding needs for justice … [Read more...] about Science Corner: The Dance of Life and Advent Pt 3
Science Corner: The Dance of Life and Advent Pt 2
As we discussed last week, The Dance of Life by Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz and Roger Highfield is a story of developmental biology research. It is also a story of motherhood, including the specific joys and anxieties of prenatal motherhood. Meanwhile, my church has chosen Luke 1-2 for its Advent texts, and Luke's Gospel pays more attention to the prenatal experience of Mary and her cousin Elizabeth than the other accounts. I don't want to over-theologize Zernicka-Goetz and Highfield's book and I don't think it is any sort … [Read more...] about Science Corner: The Dance of Life and Advent Pt 2
2020 Advent Resources, Week 2: Black Liturgies
This year, we're sharing a different Advent resource each week. We're especially focusing on resources that provide deep reflection in a doable amount of time, and that feel the weight of this year and also point us to the riches of our hope in Christ. Today we're delighted to point readers to Cole Arthur Riley's Black Liturgies, an ongoing collection of contemplative prayer and reflection shared through Instagram. Cole Arthur Riley describes herself at her website Black Liturgist as "a writer, liturgist, speaker … [Read more...] about 2020 Advent Resources, Week 2: Black Liturgies
Science Corner: The Dance of Life and Advent Pt 1
I haven't discussed many books this year, but I'm currently reading The Dance of Life by Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz and Roger Highfield and I was struck by the relevance to advent. Zernicka-Goetz is a developmental biologist, which means she studies the processes by which a fertilized zygote transforms from a single cell to an entire organism like a mouse or a human. The book, cowritten with journalist Roger Highfield, is both a memoir of Zernicka-Goetz' career and an introduction to her research and its context in the … [Read more...] about Science Corner: The Dance of Life and Advent Pt 1
Advent Resources for 2019
Looking for Advent resources? Here are some from ESN and others. However you choose to honor the season, we pray that Christ's presence would be very real to you this year. - Hannah Eagleson, ESN Associate Director ESN Dwelling in Advent and Christmas Reading List From our Fall 2019 Weekly Readings for Grad Students and Faculty Week 1: First Week of Advent: The Word (Scholar's Compass), Series by Joy Moore Week 2: Second Week of Advent: Hope (Scholar's Compass), Series by Joy Moore Week 3: Third Week … [Read more...] about Advent Resources for 2019