Gregory Rummo has shared several reviews of C.S. Lewis books on the blog this summer. This is his last, the first of C.S. Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia. Spoiler Alert: Because the book is familiar to many, Rummo includes discussion of the plot outcome. If you are new to the Narnia stories, you may wish to refrain from reading this review until after you've read the book. The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe is the first[1] of C. S. Lewis's seven-part series, The Chronicles of Narnia. It is a fantasy story about four … [Read more...] about Review: The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe
Science Corner
Science Corner: There’s Science in Those Hills
Probably the biggest (or at least buzziest) science news of the moment is the possibility of a room temperature superconductor. You may remember we went down this particular road a few years ago. At that time, superconductivity was achieved at not-quite-but-close-enough-to-room temperature but with radically impractical pressures. This time, the candidate material (LK-99) is a superconductor at warmer-than-room temperature and ambient pressure. The catch for the moment is some uncertainty about confirmation and … [Read more...] about Science Corner: There’s Science in Those Hills
Book Review: The Problem of Pain
Gregory Rummo recently shared a review with us of The Great Divorce by C.S. Lewis. He is back this week with another of Lewis's works, The Problem of Pain. SUMMARY The Problem of Pain by C. S. Lewis is an attempt to explain, intellectually, why a good and all-powerful God allows pain in the world. He writes, “If God were good, He would wish to make His creatures perfectly happy, and if God were almighty, He would be able to do what he wished. But creatures are not happy. Therefore, God lacks goodness or power or … [Read more...] about Book Review: The Problem of Pain
Book Review: The Great Divorce
ESN has a long history of book reviews of significant works that help us think Christianly about the world. We so appreciate this review from Gregory Rummo of a C.S. Lewis classic, that makes a great summer read! SUMMARY The Great Divorce – A Dream,[1] is a fantasy “with an intended moral.” It is an allegory about Heaven and Hell. Whether inspired by or written in response to William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell,[2] The Great Divorce dispels the notion that a person can get to Heaven while still clinging … [Read more...] about Book Review: The Great Divorce
Science Corner: It *IS* a question of where he grips it!
Something has been pulling the fake flowers off of our hummingbird feeder. Raccoons are the primary suspect. Hummingbirds don't seem strong enough, and don't need to tug at petals to feed. Also, the vandalism occurs overnight. Oh yeah, and there are the incriminating raccoon paw prints all around the feeder. Seemed pretty cut and dry. But then a headline about how "some hummingbirds are flower robbers" caught my eye. Maybe hummingbirds do engage in more than nectar sipping. … [Read more...] about Science Corner: It *IS* a question of where he grips it!