The Emerging Scholars Network is pleased that Bobby Gross has once again agreed to contribute a series of Advent reflections to the ESN blog. This first looks back to Christ the King Sunday just passed and reflects on our longing for a great and good king that is so much a part of the Advent journey of preparing to celebrate the birth of the King and longing for his return. When I first read the coronation scene in Book Six of the Lord of the Rings years ago, unexpectedly, great tears upwelled together with feelings … [Read more...] about Longing: Greatness and Grace in our Leaders
Christian Thought and Practice
Through the Lens of Faith: Studying Literature in the Communion of Saints
When I was seventeen, a family friend warned me to be careful with my plans to study English literature at university: "A lot of people lose their faith." It wasn't that the church environment I grew up in was anti-intellectual or suspicious of higher education per se. Many members were well educated professionals; there were one or two academics, though their work life tended to be regarded with benign bemusement. But this friend's comment communicated the sense that plunging too deeply into the secular humanities was … [Read more...] about Through the Lens of Faith: Studying Literature in the Communion of Saints
2023 Christian Scholars Foundation Legacy Grant Announcement
Global Scholars, in partnership with InterVarsity’s Emerging Scholars Network, is delighted to announce that we have awarded the 2023 Christian Scholars Foundation Legacy Grant to Dr. George D. Montañez. Dr. Montañez, a faculty member in computer science at Harvey Mudd College, is producing an impressive set of new research in machine learning, and training the next generation of machine learning scholars and professionals. Titled “Understanding Bias in Artificial Learning,” his project will advance knowledge in the … [Read more...] about 2023 Christian Scholars Foundation Legacy Grant Announcement
Job Announcement: Faculty Positions at New College Franklin
New College Franklin has two openings for faculty: Faculty Employment Application School Profile: Under the Lordship of Jesus Christ, New College Franklin disciples students through the Liberal Arts for wisdom, virtue, and service. New College Franklin is a four-year Christian Liberal Arts college dedicated to excellent academics and a community of discipleship. For centuries, the liberal arts, the freeing disciplines, have served as the curriculum for this holistic education. The student who encounters the … [Read more...] about Job Announcement: Faculty Positions at New College Franklin
Pilgrimage Practices (#6): Coming Home
Many people assume that arriving at the destination of a pilgrimage such as the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral at the end of the Camino in Spain is the highlight for most pilgrims. After all, that was the reason for going – to reach the storied place that draws someone to step out. However, I've heard most people say that when they look back, these sacred sites are not necessarily the most significant parts of their journey. Instead, the community, the prayer practices, the walking, and even the interruptions … [Read more...] about Pilgrimage Practices (#6): Coming Home