This is the fifth in our series on incarnational presence. To read previous articles, here are links for: Part One, Part Two, Part Three, and Part Four. In this article, Julian Reese and Teresa Hooper explore how we may creatively participate in what God is doing in our departments. ______________________________________ ENCOURAGING CREATIVE PRESENCE Julian Reese, with Teresa Hooper “As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.” Followers of Jesus in the Academy are sent there by Jesus. They enter academic … [Read more...] about Incarnational Presence: Encouraging Creative Participation
Christ and the Academy
Incarnational Presence: The Translation Principle
Photo by Christina Morillo from Pexels We are grateful to Julian Reese for sharing this series of articles on incarnational presence, particularly in the context of our academic departments. This is Part four of the series. To read previous articles, here are links for: Part One, Part Two, and Part Three. _____________________________ Last week, as we reflected on earning an incarnational voice, we articulated a posture toward the academic conversation. We envisioned entering the thought world of an … [Read more...] about Incarnational Presence: The Translation Principle
Incarnational Presence: Earning an Incarnational Voice
This is the third in a series on incarnational presence in our academic departments. In the first, InterVarsity staff minister Julian Reese introduced and defined the idea of incarnational presence. The second post explores how we establish that presence, applying the incarnational principle. This week, Reese discusses how that presence led to opportunities to use his voice. ______________________________ In our last post, we considered what kind of presence we wished to have on a University campus. In this post … [Read more...] about Incarnational Presence: Earning an Incarnational Voice
Incarnational Presence: The Incarnation Principle
In the second in Julian Reese's series on Incarnational Presence, Reese describes how one establishes that presence. ________________________________________ In our last post we introduced Incarnational Presence as a theological paradigm for academic ministry. This Way of thinking cultivates three spiritual habits: We first Establish Presence, looking for opportunities to develop relationships by participation in academic events, instead of relying on “attractional” ministry to get unbelieving academics to … [Read more...] about Incarnational Presence: The Incarnation Principle
Incarnational Presence: An Introduction
Julian Reese, GFM staff at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, has developed a unique ministry among graduate students and faculty. Where many try to attract grads and faculty to Christian community, Julian and those he work with go to where grads and faculty are, their departments. In this post, the first of a series, Julian introduces us to this way of ministry, which he calls "Incarnational Presence" _____________________________________________ “But if you can become some kind of renewing presence, we'll … [Read more...] about Incarnational Presence: An Introduction