In our way along the scholar’s journey, there often isn’t much time to stop and consider how the work of our hands is sacred. The writing of our theses. The questions we ask in research. The pedagogy we follow in our classrooms. Yet, all of these elements of our work are part of God’s world and God invites us to see them through his eyes. So, what does it mean for the Lord to establish the work of our hands as we hear the psalmist pray in Psalm 90? Especially when that work is scholarship? Last year I began to … [Read more...] about The Work of Our Hands
Christ and the Academy
Sacred Work of Scholarship
How do you see your work as sacred? As set apart for God’s purposes? Over the coming months, I want to explore what it might mean to see the work of scholarship, teaching, and service as sacred - the ways in which we engage in this work as well as the content itself. One of the first steps on this journey is to see ourselves and our work as part of God’s sacred story revealing God’s truth, goodness, and beauty. Perhaps Paul’s image of Jesus shared with the Colossians helps you to see your work as part of this … [Read more...] about Sacred Work of Scholarship
The Gift of Waiting
We are in a time of waiting in the church year. During Advent, we remember Israel’s waiting for a messiah and Mary’s waiting for the birth of Jesus. We also wait in hope for Christ's future return. I look forward to this season not only for its theological significance but also because waiting is a fundamental part of life. Waiting for the end of the semester. Waiting to hear about an article or book’s publication. Waiting for a job offer. Waiting to hear a diagnosis. Waiting for an upcoming … [Read more...] about The Gift of Waiting
My Dreams for Christians in Higher Education
Last month I invited you to share your dreams for your work in the academy. This month I am going to share mine. After all, turnabout is fair play. What I write reflects 48 years of working as a campus minister with InterVarsity. I grew up in a family that valued both the love of God and the love of learning and saw them as seamlessly related. For us, loving God with all our being included loving him with our minds. When I arrived on campus, what so excited me about InterVarsity was how seriously they took loving God … [Read more...] about My Dreams for Christians in Higher Education
Call For Articles: Your Dreams for Academia
"Tell them about the dream, Martin." Martin Luther King, Jr. was the last speaker of the day at the March on Washington in 1963. He was preceded by his good friend, singer Mahalia Jackson, who sang and then introduced him. At a critical point in his prepared remarks, Jackson recalled a previous speech of King's that she felt was what the crowd of 250,000 needed and called out, "Tell them about the dream, Martin." Laying aside his remarks, King listened to his friend, gathered himself and began again, "I have a … [Read more...] about Call For Articles: Your Dreams for Academia