Many people assume that arriving at the destination of a pilgrimage such as the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral at the end of the Camino in Spain is the highlight for most pilgrims. After all, that was the reason for going – to reach the storied place that draws someone to step out. However, I've heard most people say that when they look back, these sacred sites are not necessarily the most significant parts of their journey. Instead, the community, the prayer practices, the walking, and even the interruptions … [Read more...] about Pilgrimage Practices (#6): Coming Home
Pilgrimage Practices (#5): Community
The community you interact with on pilgrimage – both those people traveling with you and those you meet– is a vital part of the experience. Because of a shared focus on arriving at the sacred site and perhaps engaging in ritual practices along the way, people who would never encounter one another outside of this journey find themselves relating deeply. Moreover, as we listen to and interact with these different people and their stories, God slowly reshapes our own story. I've heard from so many people who … [Read more...] about Pilgrimage Practices (#5): Community
Pilgrimage Practices (#4): Praying
Let your prayers rise like smoke to the Great Spirit, for he will see and answer you. Every step is a prayer, and as you dance upon the earth for the things you seek, the way will open before you. In the same way, as you search for the true ancient pathways, you will find them. Answers will come to the ones who ask, good things will be found by the ones who search for them, and the way will open before the ones who keep dancing their prayers. I love the imagery in the First Nations Version … [Read more...] about Pilgrimage Practices (#4): Praying
Pilgrimage Practices (#3): Place
In anticipation of the next Via Divina online pilgrimage, The Harmony Way, pilgrimage director Jamie Noyd will be sharing six spiritual practices of pilgrims over the next weeks before The Harmony Way begins on October 14. This is the third in the series. Visit the landing page for The Harmony Way for more information and to register. Sacred places and their stories draw us to pilgrimage. Traveling to that place, you become more aware of the other places through which you are walking. Centuries of … [Read more...] about Pilgrimage Practices (#3): Place
Pilgrimage Practices (#2): Walking
In anticipation of the next Via Divina online pilgrimage, The Harmony Way, pilgrimage director Jamie Noyd will be sharing six spiritual practices of pilgrims over the next weeks before The Harmony Way begins on October 14. This is the second in the series. Visit the landing page for The Harmony Way for more information and to register. Walking is a key element of pilgrimage. This may be walking a route such as the Camino de Santiago for hundreds of miles. It may involve walking around a sacred site … [Read more...] about Pilgrimage Practices (#2): Walking