The Emerging Scholars Network Book Club is back!
This fall, you are invited to join other ESN members in a discussion of Chris Rice’s From Pandemic to Renewal. The book club will meet Wednesday evenings for an hour at 8 pm ET from October 11 through December 6 (skipping the Wednesday before Thanksgiving). For those who sign up for the book club, we will send you a free copy of the book.
The Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in profound changes and disruptions to all of our lives. Anxiety rates are at record highs as is the use of mental health services on campus. How we work, learn, and teach has changed. Our society has been polarized over a variety of issues and we face another national election in a year. The pandemic has underscored global economic disparities in access to vaccines and health care. And many walked away from the church during lockdowns and haven’t returned.
Chris Rice believes that all these and other challenges also present opportunity for renewal for the followers of Christ and opportunities to have a transforming presence in society. Here are the chapter titles of his book that will give you an idea of the topics we will be discussing:
Introduction: Renewing a Shaken World
1. Bearing Joy for a World of Frantic Anxiety
2. Centering the Vulnerable for a World of Rising Disparity
3. Being Peacemakers for a World of Surging Polarization
4. Redeeming Power for a World of Political Mediocrity
5. Making Transnational Disciples for a World of American Blinders
6. Pursuing Private Integrity for a World of Public Validation
7. Cultivating Moral Imagination for a World of Unprecedented Dangers
8. Renewing the Church for a World Longing for Hope
Epilogue: Rest for Restless Hearts
Many in our society have just wanted to “get back to normal,” or “move on” (or drudge on seems more like it for many). We will explore both the practices that renew us and the opportunities before us to bring that renewal into our contexts.
To join the book club, all we need is for you to complete this short Google Form no later than September 30 (and earlier is better) so we can have the book sent to you. Hope you can join us!
Bob Trube is Associate Director of Faculty Ministry and Director of the Emerging Scholars Network. He blogs on books regularly at bobonbooks.com. He resides in Columbus, Ohio, with Marilyn and enjoys reading, gardening, choral singing, and plein air painting.
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