The Emerging Scholars Network, an effort to equip rising Christian scholars in the United States, is interested in running a series this year at our blog on “______________” Through the Lens of Faith” with the blank comprising the various fields of study in the university.
The idea of this series is not an academic piece on integrating your field and your faith so much as your personal reflections on how your faith informs your thinking and practice in your research, teaching, and service. This could include:
- How you see the presence and work of God in your field of study
- How your faith informs the research questions you pursue
- How your teaching and work with students has been shaped by your faith
- How you engage with your colleagues, your department and your institution in light of your faith.
You are welcome to touch on all of these, focus on one, or discuss something else. We do ask that you limit your submission to 1500 words. We actually consider 800-1200 words our sweet spot.
We ask that you submit articles in Word, which imports pretty seamlessly into our blog software, footnotes included, if you use them. Please include a head shot and 2-3 sentence bio. We will consider publishing anonymous articles if publishing is sensitive in your situation. Submissions should be sent to bob.trube@intervarsity.org
While we do not pay for articles, for all accepted articles, we want to acknowledge your effort by offering a free InterVarsity Press book of your choice up to $50 retail. Tell us the title and the address to which it may be sent when you submit your article.
You can be an ESN contributor! And the opportunity is to both encourage others and receive feedback on your ideas. Questions? Just email Bob at bob.trube@intervarsity.org.
Bob Trube is Associate Director of Faculty Ministry and Director of the Emerging Scholars Network. He blogs on books regularly at bobonbooks.com. He resides in Columbus, Ohio, with Marilyn and enjoys reading, gardening, choral singing, and plein air painting.
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