Available to scholars in the U.S. and Canada

We are thrilled to announce Global Scholars will provide an annual Christian Scholars Foundation Legacy Grant beginning in 2023. The grant will be awarded to a junior faculty member in the U.S. or Canada. The purpose of this grant is to advance Christian scholarship, encourage Christian scholars seeking to integrate Christian faith with their academic endeavors, and nurture Christian faculty as they strive for wider recognition in and beyond the academy.
Applicants are required to be members of the Society of Christian Scholars, a global community of Christian scholars seeking to have a redemptive influence in higher education. Applicants are also required to be members of the Emerging Scholars Network.
The 2023 Christian Scholars Foundation Legacy Grant will be $10,000. The deadline for applications will be March 15, 2023.
The grant application is available at the Society of Christian Scholars member site under “Grants.” See the end of this post for more details and a quick guide to the application process.
The Christian Scholars Foundation, the Society of Christian Scholars, and the Emerging Scholars Network
The Christian Scholars Foundation was a small family foundation formed in 1986 to encourage and support Christian junior faculty in their efforts to gain recognition and stature in the U.S. or Canadian academy. The Foundation also desired to encourage these scholars in their work to integrate Christian faith and academic endeavor. In December 2022, the Foundation closed its operations and transferred its funds to Global Scholars in order to continue both organizations’ shared vision of aiding Christian scholars as they seek to have a redemptive influence in higher education.
The Society of Christian Scholars is a global movement of Christian scholars seeking to live out God’s calling to serve as scholars in their various cultural contexts. As a principal partner of the Society, Global Scholars provides financial and logistical support to the Society’s fourteen programs and services.
The Emerging Scholars Network is a national, digital first effort to develop and support the next generation of Christian scholars in universities in the United States who follow Jesus, do so in community with other Christian scholars, exercising a faithful Christian presence in their disciplines and institutions.
The Emerging Scholars Network is a U.S. partner of Global Scholars.
You may read testimonials from past recipients here and interviews with several of the recent recipients on the Emerging Scholars Network Blog: Carrie Bredow (2016), Jill Ellenbarger (2017), Eleanor McGlinchey (2017), Jennifer Hawk (2018), and Derek Thompson (2019).
- Grants are made only to members of the Society of Christian Scholars and the Emerging Scholars Network. See membership links under Application Steps below.
- Applicants must have an earned doctorate (or comparable terminal degree).
- Grants are made to junior faculty, the definition of which we intend to leave vague. Usually, those to whom the grant is awarded will have been on faculty for ten years or less. The applicant will usually not be above the rank of Assistant Professor.
- Postdocs are not eligible.
- Grants are available to scholars in academic posts at pluralistic universities in the United States or Canada.
- Last year’s recipient will not be considered for a grant this year.
Application Details: Preliminary & Full
Preliminary Application: Due March 15, 2023
The Preliminary application consists of the following questions and may be accessed through the Member site of the Society of Christian Scholars:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Phone
- Country of Residence
- Academic Discipline
- Current College or University
- Is this a pluralistic college or university?
- Years in academic posts
- Number of academic publications
- Society of Christian Scholars Membership
- Emerging Scholars Network Membership
- Curriculum Vitae Upload
- Project Title
- Project Proposal Upload
- What other grants, if any, have you secured to help fund this project?
More Detail on the Project Proposal
Please submit a brief proposal of the project (1 page, details below). Most helpful to the Grant Evaluation Committee is a title and summary which explains the project clearly and succinctly. The proposal should also explain how the project will help to establish you as an expert in your field and the impact your scholarship will have in Christian and secular academic and/or popular contexts. Please limit the proposal to one standard page length, single-spaced, 12 point font, 1 inch margins.
Full Application
Authors of the five or ten most interesting proposals will be invited to submit a full application. The necessary details regarding full application will be sent to those selected when they are notified of their selection.
Application Steps
- Join Emerging Scholars Network
- Join Society of Christian Scholars
- Fill out preliminary grant application by 3/15/23 at Society of Christian Scholars grants page (member login required)
Other Questions
Have questions concerning this grant? Use the form below to connect with Dr. Hannah Eagleson, Christian Scholars Foundation Legacy Grant Director.

The Emerging Scholars Network is always seeking opportunities to identify, encourage, and equip the next generation of Christian scholars to be a redeeming influence in the academy, church, and the world. As you have an announcement, a “call for papers”, an event, a prayer request (e.g., campus, field, higher ed), a resource suggestion, a review, etc., which is in concord with our Kingdom of God endeavor, please send materials (marketing/sales material not accepted) for consideration to post via email or the ESN Writer Survey. Thank you.
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