ESN Conversations is going into its third year and has become a place where ESN members have the opportunity to interact with thoughtful Christian scholars about important questions of academic and cultural import. Our YouTube channel now includes over 30 conversations extending back over two years and has enjoyed over 3300 views and a growing (free) subscriber base. Our past conversations are a great resource for personal listening, a video (or just audio if you want) discussion of a book you are interested in, or a resource for group discussions.
We are very pleased to announce our fall lineup of authors who will be joining us in conversation along with registration links where you can sign up to participate in these conversations. For each conversation, a discount will also be offered for the IVP book being featured during the conversation. So here is who we have coming:
September 15, 2022, 12 pm ET: The Religion of American Greatness with Paul D. Miller (publicity graphic above): From America’s beginning, Christians have often merged their religious faith with national identity. But what is Christian nationalism? How is it different from patriotism? Paul D. Miller, a Christian scholar, political theorist, veteran, and former White House staffer, provides a detailed portrait of—and case against—Christian nationalism. IVP link to book description.

Oct 13, 2022, 12:00 pm ET: Dawn, A Proton’s Tale of All That Came to Be with Cees Dekker, Corien Oranje, and Gijsbert van den Brink. Combining its authors’ scientific knowledge, storytelling skills, and insights from theology, Dawn provides a fresh look at the fundamentals of cosmology, evolutionary biology, and the good news of God in one overarching adventure—in the form of a gripping story. As a special treat, all three co-authors of this book will be joining us online from The Netherlands! IVP link to book description.

Nov 17, 2022, 01:00 pm ET: The Thrill of Orthodoxy with Trevin Wax. Dorothy L. Sayers once asserted that “the dogma is the drama.” Every generation faces the temptation to wander from orthodoxy—to seek out the jolt that comes with false teaching, and to drift with cultural currents. And so every generation must be awakened again to the thrill of orthodoxy, and experience the astonishment that comes from stumbling afresh upon the electrifying paradoxes at the heart of the Christian faith. IVP link to book description.

Dec 20, 2022, 01:00 pm ET: The Man Born to Be King with Kathryn Wehr. Speaking of Dorothy L. Sayer…! From December 1941 until October 1942, the BBC broadcast a series of radio dramas written by Dorothy L. Sayers. In a new critical and annotated edition of “The Man Born to Be King,” scholar Kathryn Wehr brings fresh insights to the plays, their background, Sayers’s creative process, and the ongoing significance of the life of Christ today. Listen again, or for the first time, to the story of the man who was born to be—and still is—king. This conversation is co-sponsored with Women Scholars and Professionals. IVP link to book description.
So take a look at those calendars, take a moment to sign up and join others in the Network for some good and important conversations!

The Emerging Scholars Network is always seeking opportunities to identify, encourage, and equip the next generation of Christian scholars to be a redeeming influence in the academy, church, and the world. As you have an announcement, a “call for papers”, an event, a prayer request (e.g., campus, field, higher ed), a resource suggestion, a review, etc., which is in concord with our Kingdom of God endeavor, please send materials (marketing/sales material not accepted) for consideration to post via email or the ESN Writer Survey. Thank you.
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