Looking for Advent resources? Here are some from ESN and others. However you choose to honor the season, we pray that Christ’s presence would be very real to you this year. – Hannah Eagleson, ESN Associate Director
ESN Dwelling in Advent and Christmas Reading List
From our Fall 2019 Weekly Readings for Grad Students and Faculty
Week 1: First Week of Advent: The Word (Scholar’s Compass), Series by Joy Moore
Week 2: Second Week of Advent: Hope (Scholar’s Compass), Series by Joy Moore
Week 3: Third Week of Advent: The Incarnation (Scholar’s Compass), Series by Joy Moore
Week 4: Fourth Week of Advent: The Coming King (Scholar’s Compass), Series by Joy Moore
Week 5: New Year’s Day: Starting with the Kingdom in Mind (Scholar’s Compass), by Alexis Grant
Week 6: Epiphany: Preparing for Epiphany (Scholar’s Compass), by Mark Hansard
The Well (From InterVarsity’s Women in the Academy and Professions)
Our colleagues at The Well invite you to join in observing 5 minutes of peace each day that you can in Advent.
Advent Series Featuring Scientists on the Incarnation
What does it mean to say that baby Jesus is not just fully divine, but also fully human? Science in Congregations has scientists responding to that very question each week in Advent. Sign up to receive their answers. They are also rebranding and seeking funding to build a new website–so you will have to wait to see the full series archived online. Our friends at Science in Congregations shared with us that they’ll be running this series, and we thought ESN members might enjoy it.
Dr. Hannah Eagleson loves building the ecosystem Christian scholars need to flourish and create positive impacts, in the university and beyond. She is Associate Director of InterVarsity’s Emerging Scholars Network, a digital first ministry serving thousands of early career Christian scholars. Dr. Eagleson launched the ESN student/early career track at the American Scientific Affiliation annual faith and science conference. She is the editor of *Science and Faith: Student Questions Explored* (Hendrickson, 2019), and the one-semester guidebook *Scholar’s Compass: Connecting Faith & Work for Academics* (InterVarsity Emerging Scholars Network, 2021), with design by noted liturgical artist Ned Bustard. She also launched the Scholar’s Compass online devotional series in her previous role as ESN Editor. Dr. Eagleson holds an MA from St. John’s College (Annapolis, MD) and a PhD in Renaissance literature from the University of Delaware.
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