In the four years since Hannah Eagleson joined the Emerging Scholars Network’s (ESN) staff, we’ve entered a renaissance. We’ve learned what works to sustain Christian scholars and professionals through grad school and their early careers. Now we need your help to transform a generation of Christian academics.
In 2014, ESN was in a transitional moment. We were founded to support Christians to live more fully for Christ in the university and to serve the common good. We knew that a single academic could, across their career, touch the lives of thousands of students and bring lasting benefits to society. Yet technology had changed dramatically and the academic job market had also changed. In 2014, our email-based mentoring model, while innovative when launched, wasn’t supporting the next generation of Christian scholars in the way they needed. We knew we needed a new model for ESN.
We have discovered that serving Christian scholars works best when we combine direct ministry with programs that connect and strengthen other communities of Christian academics and professionals. We now directly equip thousands of emerging scholars with resources for integrating faith and academic life through our blog (subscribe here), social media presence (find us on Facebook), and national events.
We also provide discussion guides, training, scholarships, and conference tracks to campus groups and national communities of Christian scholars including the American Scientific Affiliation. We are also seeing great fruit from the financial support we give to early career academics, including conference travel scholarships and an early career professor grant with the Christian Scholars Foundation.
Faculty and professionals who write for ESN, volunteer as speakers and mentors for our events, give financially, and pray for emerging scholars were part of what enabled this to happen. Thank you!
This fiscal year, we hope to reach thousands of aspiring Christian academics by building on what we’ve learned. Our greatest need right now is to expand Dr. Eagleson’s work to coordinate our online network and strengthen our national collaborations. We need $1469 per month next year for Dr. Eagleson’s work. We have raised $484 per month of that amount and need to raise an additional monthly amount of $985. Would you consider becoming a regular donor or giving a special gift today?
You can make a special or recurring gift at this link
(Please specify Hannah Eagleson. If you need to pray about it or discuss your donation, behavioral scientists suggest making a plan by adding it to your todo list or calendar.)
Thank you all who are part of this dynamic community of Emerging Scholars. A special shout out to the faculty and professionals who have invested in God’s work of transforming the next generation of Christian scholars.
To God be the glory!
God bless,
Dr. Hannah Eagleson, Writer / Editor / Events
Tom Grosh IV, Associate Director

The Emerging Scholars Network is always seeking opportunities to identify, encourage, and equip the next generation of Christian scholars to be a redeeming influence in the academy, church, and the world. As you have an announcement, a “call for papers”, an event, a prayer request (e.g., campus, field, higher ed), a resource suggestion, a review, etc., which is in concord with our Kingdom of God endeavor, please send materials (marketing/sales material not accepted) for consideration to post via email or the ESN Writer Survey. Thank you.
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