ESN wishes all our readers a Thanksgiving filled with joy, abundance, and gratitude for God’s goodness. Wherever you live, here is a hymn thanking God, who welcomes all his people into his house.
Lift the Strain of High Thanksgiving
Lift the strain of high thanksgiving!
Tread with songs the hallowed way!
Praise our father’s God, for mercies
New to us their sons to-day;
Here they built for Him a dwelling,
Served Him here in ages past,
Fixed it for His sure possession,
Holy ground, while time shall last.
When the years had wrought their changes,
He, our own unchanging God,
Thought on this His habitation,
Looked on His decayed abode;
Heard our prayers, and helped our counsels,
Blessed the silver and the gold,
Till once more His house is standing,
Firm and stately as of old.
Entering then Thy gates with praises,
Lord, be ours Thine Israel’s prayer:
“Rise into Thy place of resting,
Show Thy promised presence there!”
Let the gracious word be spoken
Here, as once on Sion’s height,
“This shall be my rest forever,
This My dwelling of delight.”
Fill this latter house with glory
Greater than the former knew;
Clothe with righteousness Thy priesthood,
Guide us all to reverence true;
Let Thy Holy One’s anointing
Here its sevenfold blessing shed;
Spread for us the heavenly banquet,
Satisfy Thy poor with bread.
Praise to Thee, almighty Father,
Praise to Thee, eternal Son,
Praise to Thee, all-quickening Spirit,
Ever blessèd Three in One:
Threefold Power and Grace and Wisdom,
Molding out of sinful clay,
Living stones for that true temple,
Which shall never know decay.
By John Ellerton. Originally taken from The Hymnal: revised and enlarged as adopted by the General Convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America in the year of our Lord 1892. Courtesy of Hymnary: http://www.hymnary.org/text/lift_the_strain_of_high_thanksgiving

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