May by God’s grace Emerging Scholars grow in the habit of slowing down in order to express thankfulness and gratitude with those in our various contexts (home, community, campus, local congregation, online): person-to-person, in public small groups, by notes of appreciation, and as a replacement for “obscenity, foolish talk and filthy joking” (Eph 5:4). Consider this an inspirational launching pad/basic toolkit so as not to pass by this season of Thanksgiving like a blur. . . .
Growing in Gratitude – Praying to God for the Influential People in My Life (Ernie Frederick)
- Thank You, Father Creator, for creating me as a special, unique personality in Your image, to live for you.
- Thank You, Lord Jesus Christ, for your loving sacrifice, taking my sins to the Cross, and redeeming me.
- Thank You, Holy Spirit of Truth, for coming to live in me, with the fullness of Jesus’ Life enriching me.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, who prayed with me to receive Jesus as my Lord & Savior.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, the person in the Bible with whom I identify most.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, the Biblical person who inspires me most to be like Jesus.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, the Person who taught me most on how to Pray.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, the Person who taught me to meditate in Scripture.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, my Earthly Father who planted his life-seed for my life.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, my Earthly Mother who birthed me into a living being.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, my Loving Grandparents who gave me their heritage.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, the Best Role Model I ever had, to guide my life.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, the Person who Helped me through the hardest crisis I had.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, the Most Trustworthy Friend I have had in my life.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, the Most Caring Doctor who has helped me to be healthy.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, my Favorite Teacher during all my years in school(s).
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, the Person(s) who have shown me the generosity of God.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, the Pastor who has taught me most the depth of the Cross.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, the Person who has helped me discern God’s gifts for me.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, the Person who has taught me the most about giving.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, the Person who has taught me discerning wisdom for living.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, the Person who has helped me be a struggles overcomer.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, the Person who most guided me in my career choice.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, the Author who has had the most impact on my growth.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, the Person who introduced me to my favorite sport.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, the most Joyful/Persuader person I have ever known.
- Thank You, Lord, for the most memorable Thanksgiving Day I ever had, and people who enriched me.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, the most Dedicated Follower of Jesus I have ever known.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, the Christian Song or Hymn that inspires my faith.
- Thank You, Lord, for _______________, who has helped me grow as a Great Commission Christian.
Thank-you, Lord, for Ernie Frederick, his rich heritage with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship / USA and steadfastness in teaching prayer birthed by his persistent conversation with you through your Word and Spirit in the midst of the people of God. Thank-you for the opportunity to walk with him when I served InterVarsity Christian Fellowship / USA in Pittsburgh. To God be the glory!
Autumn photo by katmeresin
Tom enjoys daily conversations regarding living out the Biblical Story with his wife Theresa and their four girls, around the block, at Elizabethtown Brethren in Christ Church (where he teaches adult electives and co-leads a small group), among healthcare professionals as the Northeast Regional Director for the Christian Medical & Dental Associations (CMDA), and in higher ed as a volunteer with the Emerging Scholars Network (ESN). For a number of years, the Christian Medical Society / CMDA at Penn State College of Medicine was the hub of his ministry with CMDA. Note: Tom served with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship / USA for 20+ years, including 6+ years as the Associate Director of ESN. He has written for the ESN blog from its launch in August 2008. He has studied Biology (B.S.), Higher Education (M.A.), Spiritual Direction (Certificate), Spiritual Formation (M.A.R.), Ministry to Emerging Generations (D.Min.). To God be the glory!
Can the Thank You Prayers for each day of the month be copied and distributed with credit to the author? A rich exercise!
Clayton, “The answer is a big ‘Yes.’ The more people who give thanks the better.” — received by email from the author 🙂