It is my pleasure to introduce Janine Giordano, who will be joining the Emerging Scholars Blog for a special series this month. Janine is an advanced graduate student in the University of Illinois Department of History, working on a PhD dissertation titled Between Religion and Politics: The Working Class Religious Left, 1886-1936. Janine has been a member of ESN for several years, as well as a leader in the UofI Graduate Christian Fellowship. Her review of the recent book Rising Road: A True Tale of Love, Race, and Religion by Sharon Davies has also just appeared online at the Religion in American History blog.
Each Thursday in May, Janine will post part of a 4-part series exploring the struggle of younger scholars to cultivate both an authoritative voice and an audience. This series sprang from a Facebook note that Janine wrote recently, which raised some good questions about one’s life and work as a Christian in the academy and as an academic in the (evangelical) church. She described this series to me as “semi-scholarly and semi-personal,” which I think will be an excellent mix for this format.
Thanks for joining us, Janine! I’m looking forward to reading your posts and interacting with you on these issues.
The former Associate Director for the Emerging Scholars Network, Micheal lives in Cincinnati with his wife and three children and works as a web manager for a national storage and organization company. He writes about work, vocation, and finding meaning in what you do at No Small Actors.
The Chronicle this week posted an article about the research suggesting that young professors and women face the highest amount of disrespectful interaction from students. Thanks for taking on the challenge of discussing authoritative voice from the vantage point of a young woman!