One of our goals for the Emerging Scholars Network is to point you to helpful resources. There’s an enormous amount of material out there about faith and learning, Christ and culture, spiritual formation, discipleship of the mind – even the list of topics goes on for too long! We’ve also negotiated discounts from a number of periodicals and publishers for ESN members, so that availing yourself of these resources isn’t quite as expensive. (Note: several of these come from our partner organizations, but by partner organization we mean a like-minded organization that we work with in ministry – they haven’t given us any money to be listed as a partner.)
Today I’m focusing on subscriptions – emails, magazines, and audio. I’m planning at least one follow-up post about other recommended resources. If you have some to suggest, let ESN know or post them in the comments.
The list of subscriptions is after the jump.
The Emerging Scholars Review – If you are an ESN member, you already receive this quarterly publication by email. The Review features articles like Marc Baer’s “What is Calling?” and our recent “Why Get a PhD in the Humanities?” collection, as well as news about ESN events and programs. If you aren’t an ESN member yet, it’s easy (and free!) to join.
The Lamp Post – This quarterly chronicle of InterVarsity Faculty Ministry is ESN’s sister publication. The Lamp Post publishes articles and resources for current Christian faculty, such as Andrew Lee’s research on integrating spirituality into the classroom and Bible studies written specifically for faculty. You can subscribe to the Lamp Post online.
The Well – The Well is published by InterVarsity’s Women in the Academy and Professions. As you might have guessed, The Well focuses on issues of special interest to, well, women in the academy and professions: professional tensions, life-and-work balance, questions of calling. The Well does a great job at featuring the voices and stories of individual women in graduate school, the academy, and the professional world. You can sign up here.
Mars Hill Audio – Since 1993, Ken Myers and Mars Hill Audio have been committed to assisting Christians who desire to move from thoughtless consumption of contemporary culture to a vantage point of thoughtful engagement. MHA interviews authors and culture makers about their work, and publishes bi-monthly issues via cassette, CD, and MP3. ESN members can get a discount on MHA subscriptions, with MP3 subscriptions as low as $25/year. You can also sample past journals for free to see if you will like them. — Discount in discussion (11/28/2012, 12:30 pm).
Books & Culture – Books & Culture, published by Christianity Today, reviews, well, books and culture from a Christian perspective. It’s hard to summarize a publication that has recently published a survey of recent books about Korean American Christians, examinations of the chastity movement and post-WWII foreign policy, and “a poem eulogizing Michael Jackson”, so I won’t try to. ESN members can get an incredible discount on B&C. — Discount in discussion (11/28/2012, 12:30 pm).
Christian Scholars Review – If you’re looking for something more academic, the Christian Scholars Review publishes articles and reviews that address “the integration of Christian faith and learning on both the intra- and inter- disciplinary levels.” The most recent issue, “Christian Perspectives on the City,” featured an Ellulian critique of New Urbanism by David Wang, Mark T. Mulder and James K. A. Smith on the history of evangelicals’ attitudes toward urban life, and Lee Hardy on religious influences on the Garden City movement. I’m not a subscriber, but after typing that last paragraph, I think I soon will be! Once again, ESN members can get a discount. — In discussion (11/28/2012, 12:30 pm).
Those are my suggestions. What are yours?
Updates: 11/28/2012, 12:30 pm.
The former Associate Director for the Emerging Scholars Network, Micheal lives in Cincinnati with his wife and three children and works as a web manager for a national storage and organization company. He writes about work, vocation, and finding meaning in what you do at No Small Actors.
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