Science Out in the Open
Young scientists making their research results open to the public, challenging the standard means of publishing results, and opening themselves up to criticism.
Out in the Open (Boston Globe) (HT: Culture Making)
Historically Black Colleges Producing More PhDs
After falling for several years, the number of PhD recipients produced by historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) is on the rise.
Who Produces Black Ph.D.’s? (Inside Higher Ed)
Teach Them to Challenge Authority
Inside Higher Ed speaks with Gregory S. Prince Jr., former president of Hampshire College and author of Teach Them to Challenge Authority: Educating for Healthy Societies. Prince argues that taking a “neutral stance” in the classroom is the wrong approach:
Faculty need to take positions so that students can learn how to challenge those in authority. How a faculty member takes a positions is what is critical. It is an art both to take positions and to create an atmosphere in which students will learn how to challenge those positions
Teach Them to Challenge Authority (Inside Higher Ed)
Get Reporters to Call You
If you are an expert on something (and if you have a PhD, then you most definitely are!), check out the website It is a free subscription service that connects journalists with expert sources. According to the home page, after you sign up, you will receive up to 3 emails a day, with 15 to 30 queries each, listing reporters who are looking for expert sources. Just don’t let all the publicity go to your head! (HT: Seth Godin)
The former Associate Director for the Emerging Scholars Network, Micheal lives in Cincinnati with his wife and three children and works as a web manager for a national storage and organization company. He writes about work, vocation, and finding meaning in what you do at No Small Actors.
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